Monday, October 17, 2005

Poking fun at my brother

My mom and I were discussing my brother Matt's weekly phone conversation. It is almost always the same and spoken in monotone.

"Hi Mom."
"Oh, hi Matt! How are you?"
"So, what have you been doing lately?"
"um, why are you calling?"
"Well, okay I love you."
"Good bye then."

Sometimes, Mom can get him to talk more. But Matt can tax even Mom's conversation skills. It just depends on what subject we get him on. Matt will talk your ear off, if it is a subject that he is interested in (for example, on the subject of not letting Michael buy the Star Wars Battlefront game until Matt comes home for break).


Kodi said...

Well, at least you always know what to expect from him whenever you talk to him. At least on the phone. Hope you're having a great day!

Gregaria said...

Sounds like my brother! How hilarious. Where is your brother currently?

Scyldmaiden said...

Yeah Kodi, at least on the phone. At home Matt can be very unexpected.

Hi Hannah. Nice to see you around.
Both my college age brothers are at Michigan Tech in the Upper Peninsula.

Kodi said...

Happy Birthday my dear friend! May you enjoy many happy returns and the abundant blessings of our gracious Heavenly Father! Hope you have a great day!

Gregaria said...

In the immortal words of Kronk: "Its your birthday!?" Many happy returns and may God and His Mother watch over you always.

Happy Birthday!