Monday, December 05, 2005

Crazy fashion

It is extremely cold. I hear the radio say it was one degree this morning. It think it has warmed up a few degrees since... Hopefully. I wore my jeans with holes in the knees today. Bad idea. The wind cut right through the holes. I felt like a walking popsicle. I really should get rid of the pants, but I hate throwing them away if they aren't worn to bits. Currently, there are holes in both knees, holes where my pocket knife rubs (in BOTH pockets), and a ragged edge along the bottom. The funny thing is that the other day a lady told me she liked my jeans. I looked down at my faded pants and said "Thanks, they are three years old." She was a little startled, she must have thought I bought my jeans that way. Why would anyone in their right mind buy pants with pre-made holes?!?!?
fashion is so strange. I love it when my mom goes shopping with me and makes fun of all the styles. She can pick out what time periods they are from and how well they worked or how awful and unflattering the cut was. She also thinks pre-holed jeans are silly. Besides letting the cold air in, they wear out faster.


Kodi said...

Jeans with holes in them?!? Why thats like a pie pan that you can't bake a pie in. I mean what good is it to buy jeans with holes in them already? I suppose its for those people who want to make it look as if they lead very active lives, when in fact, they would rather pay some outrageous price to have someone else already have put holes in their jeans.

Hope you're having a good day! God bless!

Anonymous said...

Yeah... jeans with holes already in them are goofy. I heard a girl, who works for a clothing store, tell her friend that you can make holes in your jeans at home with a cheese cutter. Good grief... :)

Scyldmaiden said...

You can always tell if the person bought jeans with holes if you glance at her shoes. If she is wearing pointy toes, high heels or fashion sneakers, then she bought her jeans that way. If, on the other hand, she is wearing a pair of beat up, paint splattered hicking boots, than the jeans were worn out. Silly people.......

Unknown said...

I get most of my jeans pre-worn at least a little, but not because I'm being nutty or fashionable, just because most of my clothes are hand-me-downs, or things I get from thrift stores.

Hooray for being cheap!

But yes, it is extremely lame to pay extra money to buy worn-out clothes.

Scyldmaiden said...

You can find jeans at the thrift store, Cow? Lucky! Jeans are one thing I have trouble finding there.