Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Winter Tail

Yesterday my sisters and I were walking my dog through our plowed field. Strider was franticly nosing around and scared up a little mouse. Strider pounced, caught it in his mouth and began to toss it. I really don't want him eating mice and began to yell at the silly dog. Since the mouse seemed unharmed, the little girls and I tried to take it from Strider. I scooped it between my gloved hands, but the mouse jumped out. The little girls shrieked, because we had no idea were the mouse ran to.
My sister Kathleen ventured, "Maybe it ran into your scarf."
Sudden images of a mouse running down my pant leg prompted me to take off my scarf and coat rapidly.
"Nope, not in there." said Elizabeth as I shook out my scarf and patted down my jacket.
Just when we had decided the mouse must have jumped to the ground, Elizabeth handed my coat back. She let out a yell and almost dropped it. A mouse tail was sticking out the collar. I grabbed the mouse and handed it to Kathleen so I could slip my jacket back on. Unfortunately, the mouse took this as a chance to escape and Strider snagged it before we could do anything. We were going to take the mouse again, but noticed little specks of blood on the snow. If it was wounded, we thought it best that Strider finish the mouse off rather than let it suffer.
"Stupid dog." Muttered Elizabeth, "That looked like Martin the Warrior."
I was feeling the same way. The animal world is so cut-throat, driven by instinct. It is sad that humans are crossing over that line into the animal world. What ever happened to reason and morals? Animal Farm in the reverse.


Gregaria said...

That's sad, though there are plenty of good lessons to be learned from that. Like, say, that dog treated that mouse the way St. Michael trets the devil... catch him and eat him... or something like that :D

Kodi said...

Well, I have several mouse stories that I will have to share with you one day. They're all very humorous!
When you were talking about taking off your hat and scarf as quickly as you could, I was reminded of a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. Its the one where he has raked all of the leaves together and is trying to convince Hobbes to jump in with him. Hobbes says something about there being slugs at the bottom of leaf piles, and Calvin quickly jumps out of the pile with his arms flailing.

Scyldmaiden said...

Good lessons seem to be hidden behind most things in life.

hahaha. I have seen that one Kodi. I wouldn't say I was flailing, I didn't want to squish anything. Just moving fast.