Thursday, June 01, 2006

Why I haven't check my blog.....

I am sunburnt in patches *tries not to scratch*: most of my arms; except where my pro-life wrist band sat and where my sleeves were (should have worn a sleeveless shirt, like I was thinking!. The back of my neck is hot and the tip of my nose is very red. You see, this morning I was dragged out of bed at the ungodly hour of 5:30 and arrived at work early, so we could prepare the planting bed for a water fall. Today Reinders Inc. (a turf and irrigation warehouse) decided to have a "Build a Pond Day". About a week ago, my dad (the manager) noticed we were supposed to be hosting this event, but had not received any information from the mother-store. I quickly used my new B.A. in communication and the arts to throw together a poster (a masterpiece, considering I had only the Word program and copied graphics from the Reinders web site to work with. *big eye roll*).
The Big-shots from Elm Grove came up to instruct all of two people and me how to install a pond and waterfall. I came and went in between my shelf stocking and shipping duties. I hauled gravel, ran a Dingo (a cool walk-behind mini skid steer), selected rocks with a discerning eye and tried not to get in the way. I got lunch, soda and an earfull on the art and chemical of pond installation. *wipes her brow* All in a days work.


Gregaria said...

Yay for new posts!

I actually like the sound of your new job. Working outdoors in the sun sounds like a nice idea at the moment :)

Anonymous said...

What fun! And congrats on the new post. It's nice to hear from you after all this time. :) Have a great weekend! (Happy St. Joan of Arc's day!... 4 days late.) God bless!

Anonymous said...

Yay! A new post. We were wondering when you'd get around to it. (note use of the royal 'we') Anyway, I'm glad I don't have your job, because I'm already dying of skin cancer, so y'know... It's like rubbing sand into wounds, etc.
Ugh. Stomaches... Ugh.

Anonymous said...

HUZZAH! You posted! Yes Gregaria, working outdoors does sound nice. I love being outside! Just looking around me and seeing God's beautiful creations...*sigh* So what job did you have before? Do you like your new one? Anyways, it was great that you finally posted, I mean after 89 comments...
God Bless you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah... So the reason why I said that whole stomaches ugh thing was because later that night I had an appendectomy. Not an experience I'd recommend unless you have to...
Anyway, just thought I owed an explination for that. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you are feeling better Sheil! *sigh of relief*

Anonymous said...

Yeah, me too.
Enjoy the *sunshine* Ugh. Why does June have to have such terrible weather? It rains non-stop. Except it wasn't that bad this week. Right when all the parties begin, however, oops! It has to rain.
Not that I'm complaining... Oh no! I'm just pointing out facts about western Wa weather. (Nice alliteration, no?) What's Wisconsin June like? Probably better than here. Oh well, next June I won't have to complain about rain. *achem* That is, point out facts about rain.

Gregaria said...

Yeah, next June you'll be sweltering... and wishing it was raining! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Maybe that would be a good time to come visit? :D

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you can come and help us lounge by the poolside from dawn until fragrant California dusk.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Hannah, feel free. But I won't wish it were raining. I have enough rain stored up in me to last an eternal summer. Mom doesn't though... I can't believe she's excited to move to So. CA. She HATES sunshine over 70 degrees. I like it, and I'm not exactly excited.
*stops and refuses to think about moving*

Anonymous said...

Hey Sheila, I'm going to come out and visit you next summer for a week or so. Great eh? Yes, I do know that I'm inviting myself, but heck you do all the time so I'm sure it t'would be fine. Glad you are doing better!
How romantic Deerdz. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Mrs. Bernhoft! I don't like when it gets hotter than 70 degrees either, that is why I'm visiting you guys in the spring.

Anonymous said...

Em, it'll be hotter than 70 in the spring, too. It was 70 some odd in February when they went down, and someone was complaining about how cold it was. Gasp!

Gregaria said...

Ha ha! I was actually suggesting that you come up to visit US, but I'll be happy to come visit you anytime. I was telling my mom the other night, on the one hand I'm really sad you guys are moving, but then I think about where you're going to and all of a sudden I feel California-sick!

Anonymous said...

Hannah, you're nice. Sometimes I think you're the truly nicest person I know. It's a good thing, by the way.

Gregaria said...

Well, thanks very much, Deerdz... I'll take it as a compliment no matter how it was meant! :D

Anonymous said...

Hey, since you know how to 'build a pond' Mr. Wilson and I are going to enlist your skillful, artistic eye while your here in July.... ;)
We can't wait... I mean we can't wait to see you!!

Anonymous said...

I can't either. Heh, Mrs. Wilson, I just love you! Ponds are fun. I like ducks.

Gregaria said...

The Wilsons are going to have ducks!? Yay! Not that we'll see them or anything. I still haven't seen their chickens...

Anonymous said...

No, I just said that I love ducks. I don't know if the Wilsons are going to have any, I just love them. So anyway... Don't count any ducks before they're hatched. Heh heh!

Anonymous said...

I love ducks too! Especially our ducks.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me? Notice my lame joke. Speaking of lame ducks... go to Bingy's blog and you'll see why I love ducks so much. I think it's number 15 or so. Actually, I think it's or so. Enjoy.

Scyldmaiden said...

Wisconsin weather wanders between hot and humid to cool. Most of the time is nice and sunny, but thunderheads blow in once in a while.
I am not a fan of really hot weather, unless I can do something fun, like go to the beach.

I can help with a pond, Mrs. W, but I think you over-rate my abillities.....:)

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Wilson I love you!
Can't wait to see you Scyld! God bless.

Anonymous said...

I just realized that God bless is a totally incomplete sentence. I hate that. Now it'll bug the heck out of me everytime anyone says that. Ugh.
Make that lame duck thing number 22. Still, it's funny. Go read it.

Anonymous said...

Sheila, "God bless" is so a complete sentence! The "Deirdre" is just always implied.

Fiona S M Bernhoft said...

I just love those. I thank God for whoever sent them to me (I think it was Blaise...) every day. "She had a deep, throaty, genuine laugh, like the sound a dog makes before it throws up." You're welcome, Cowee.

Anonymous said...

Ha HA! Deirdz, my heavens. That's absolutely hysterical. :)

Anonymous said...

Ha, Deirdz. As Shevawn would say "God bless God!" I love Shevawn. So excited for MI camp. Say, Scyld, Kodi's coming out tomorrow, isn't he? That's pretty sa-weet! I'm excited for you. :)

Gregaria said...

Ha ha! Speaking of God's blessings and MI camp, the new MI motto is "God bless Shevawn..."

Anonymous said...

Great! I'm sure Shevawn'll be glad to hear that. I think we should throw in a "God bless Dolly" while we're at it though. Dolly rocks.
That "me" comment was me, just for the rec.

Anonymous said...

Oh, whoops, Hannah. That's the second motto of the MI. First is All for the Immaculata, the second is Pray for Shevawn, the third (I invented this one) is Love Cowee, and the fourth (Mike made this one) is Pray for Mike.
I'm really tired... *sigh* Beds other than cardboard and a real pillow! Hooray!
Enjoy your stay in Wisconsin, Kodi. (and Scyld.)

Scyldmaiden said...

It was a good stay in Wisconsin. (I hope)

Unknown said...


That's all we get to hear from you kids about the all the adventures? Sheesh, I could have told anybody that months ago.


I'm glad y'all enjoyed yourself. Let us hope that the same will be the truth when you travel out to our mighty and distant land.

Scyldmaiden said...

Oh, I am sure Kodi will fill in all the little details I didn't mention. (but I think there are some he wouldn't tell. *wicked grin*)

I'll agree that Washington is a mighty land. I can't wait to see mountains again!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that it was 'a good stay'. Yes, I'm sure that Kodi will fill in the details. I was praying that it would be a terrific time for both of you. It makes me even more excited for July...he he...
Yes Deerdz, of course I always imply you when I say 'God bless'. How did you know? ;)
God bless...(*wink* Shilly-Pie)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that it was 'a good stay'. Yes, I'm sure that Kodi will fill in the details. I was praying that it would be a terrific time for both of you. It makes me even more excited for July...he he...
Yes Deerdz, of course I always imply you when I say 'God bless'. How did you know? ;)
God bless...(*wink* Shilly-Pie)

Anonymous said...

Wa-woops! That was wierd, it commented twice! Sorry...
Scyld, you said "I can't wait to see mountains AGAIN". Does that mean that you have seen them before?

Scyldmaiden said...

Don't worry about the double post.

Yes! I have been to Washington twice and have been camping in Glacier, Yellowstone, and Rocky Mt. National Parks. I also have been out east towards the Applatchin (spelling?) and smaller mountains. I love them.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! WA is has all sort of weather and has mountains and everything! We (my family and me) just got back from Glacier about a week ago. We were in Whitefish for a week and toured Glacier quite a bit. Gorgeous eh? I have also been to Yellowstone and part of the Rockies. Wow...*sigh* God sure did create us a beautiful world. It's amazing...
Can't wait to see you! God bless!

Anonymous said...

Hey Scyld, it was wonderful talking to you today! I would have liked to talk longer, but Kodi was getting impatient, and my family was leaving so... anyhow, it was really nice talking to you. I can't wait to see you! It will be grand. God bless you, and have a safe trip out to WA.

Fiona S M Bernhoft said...

Now that we're on teh subject of washington... I was talking to one of the belgians last night, and he did a month-long summer thing in W. washington a few years ago. So he was talking about the places he went and mentioned the San Juans. And I almost started crying. It was my first real wave of homesickness, and ti took me completely by surprise. Woah. I'll be home tomorrow. Talk to me everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bing!
Here I am answering your request. I hope you had a blast in Poland. (Actually, I'm sure you did.) In regards to the San Juans, we'll still be here for you and we Washingtonians and you Californians will still be mutually close.

Anonymous said...

Hello, my dear Bingy! Don't worry, (I know I can't really talk) even though you will be homesick, we will always 'be' with you. Our prayers, love and friendship will remain with you forever (at least mine will). I'm praying for you. I love you Bing, and hope you have a safe trip home. Hope to talk to you soon!
Nice to hear from you Michelle. I am in SC right now. I can't wait to see you, whenever that is!
Suzanne, have a wonderful stay at the Wilson household. I LOVE that family!!! Such a great family... See you on Friday!

Fiona S M Bernhoft said...

Thanks guys. I love you too. *sniff* Poland was a blast, and I will be posting about it soon. Probably not before we actually get internet at our house, but sooner or later. They're supposed to be hooking us up to the internet on thursday, but we'll see. Let's hope for the best! Big kisses for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Rose!!! I think about you about every to Bing, I'm so happy hearing from you!!!

My dear, have a great time at SC (where ever that is, we HAVE to get together soon!!
Bing, all I can say without broadly smiling (and thus making everybody at this library stare at me) is I love you and it makes me feel really happy to hear from you. Also, I sent you the letter I owe you yesterday so you should be getting it sometime soon.
This experience made my day! :)

Fiona S M Bernhoft said...

First of all, Scyld, Kodi didn't fill ME in on any details, other than *kodi looks really happy and smiles and sort of blushes* "it was a great trip". Uggh.

Second, Michelle I love you. And I blush to say this, but when I woke up this morning and it was cloudy (it still is, actually) I wished for rain. But I was really, really glad of the clouds. I never thought this day would come.

And scyld, have a good time in Warshington. I was sort of dissapointed not to meet you, but I figure everyone else in the world will, so it doesn't really matter. ;)

Anonymous said...



Nice to meet you yesterday scyld. I has alot of fun and I hope you are having a great time here.

Anonymous said...

sorry i meant "had" not "has."

Fiona S M Bernhoft said...

A lot. Two separate words!

That always bothers me.

If you want to hear about Poland, check out my blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay Bingy.
It was good to FINALLY meet you, Scyld. Sorry to sort of ruin that party by leaving. It really wasn't my fault. Apologies anyway.
I'm back on the blogs now probably. Sorry about that absense.
You guys are awesome. *sniff* I miss you already! I'm going to start crying again... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Scyld, it was so nice meeting you. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to talk with you more. I would also like to apologize for completely falling apart last night.
Sheil, I love you and miss you SOO much. Ugh. Anyway, what email address of yours works?

Anonymous said...

Sheila, I love you so much! Bingy you too! Oh I love just about everybody that visits this blog, but I really miss you Bernhofts...where is my sister when I need her...where is she when I need to be comforted...*sigh* life is hard. But I love you and always will. Try to smile! I will try to take my advice.
Michelle!!! SC is South Carolina. I have not seen you in a month. I need to see you soon.
It was soooo nice to meet you Scyld. I hope you had a safe flight back to WI. I too apoligize for Friday night...I'm so sorry...
God bless you all!
(Bernhofts I'm blowing you a kiss! Chin up!)

Anonymous said...

My chin's up.

Fiona S M Bernhoft said...

My chin is definitely up. Every once in a while I'm like, "I really miss *fill in the blank*!" or I miss being in Washington, or whatever, but it's not really that bad for me, at least not yet. I mean, I'll be leaving for college in just three or so weeks, so it doesn't even really feel like we moved. Just like we're on an extended vacation or something! I miss you all though. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Hooray! It was awesome to finally meet you, Scyld! I'm glad you could come out here this summer. It must have been a lot of fun for you. God bless you! Have a terrific August!

Scyldmaiden said...

Don't worry about breaking down durning the party, gals. It is completely understandable. I might have done the same.
It was nice see you all. I wish I had more time to talk and dance, but my ankle was bugging me and Mr. Wilson made me put ice on it. I had a great time............;)

I am not sure I have met you yet Fiona. Who do you belong with?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Rose, my brain wasn't functioning quite right and that night in the shower I realized my blunder. Oops!! A MONTH!! that is way super to long, we HAVE to see eachother soon. I love you and think about you a ton. Seeyahopefullysoon!

Fiona S M Bernhoft said...

I belong to Deirdre and Sheila, aka Zenka. Or, strictly speaking, they belong to me since I was around first. I commented as Bingy for quite a while... Fiona is my real name... yeah...

Anonymous said...

Well, I have to say that was tons of fun! Mr. W and I and the Wilson gang had a wonderful time with Zannie! Iain said, " Where's Andrew?" ;)

Anonymous said...

It may seem a little callous, but I am really loving it here. Our garden is absolutely beautiful, the house is pretty nice, the people are incredible, the boys are beautiful:
life is pretty good, considering.

I still miss you, though. Don't worry.

Nice to briefly meet you as well, Suzanne.

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad you enjoy it down there Deirdre, I sincerely hoped you would!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Suzanne. :) I REALLY enjoyed seeing you the Fri. night, and briefly again Sun. morning. Did you have a good safe trip home? I prayer that you would. I know, I just feel so bad for breaking down like I did. How's your ankle? God bless you!

Anonymous said...

How do you spell new post?

Anonymous said...

Good heavens, Shill. :)

Anonymous said...

You're welcome.