Monday, February 27, 2006


So in the few minutes before I have to run to class, I thought I would pose a question: What would be some good reading for Lent? Just within these last few years I have realized I should add something to Lent rather than just giving up something. Any suggestions on spiritual reading would be great. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I was just thinking that same thing earlier today! Hannah says that Divine Mercy in my Soul is good, and she's probably right. I don't know of anything really lenten-oid, but I look forward to seeing what everyone else says.

Gregaria said...

Some other thoughts:

Fr. Benedict Groeschel reflections... maybe he has a book specifically for Lent?

The new book by our Pope... I think it has something to do with the revolution of love. I think the name is "God's Revolution"

Pick a saint to read up on during Lent.

Choose an encyclical to spend more time reflecting on. Read a little bit every day.

Read the Psalms or one of the letters by St. Paul.

Those are the ideas that come immediately to mind.

Scyldmaiden said...

Thanks! That will help very much.